> 文章列表 > 春节期间你都在忙什么英语




During the Spring Festival, people in China engage in various activities to celebrate the holiday. Here are a few common things that people usually do:

  • Have big meals: One of the highlights of the Spring Festival is the feasting. Families gather together to enjoy elaborate meals and traditional dishes, such as dumplings and fish. It is a time for indulging in delicious food and sharing joy.
  • Receive lucky money: Another tradition during the Spring Festival is the giving of red envelopes filled with money. Children and unmarried individuals receive these envelopes from their elders as a symbol of good luck and blessings for the upcoming year.
  • Meet relatives and friends: The Spring Festival is also a time for family reunions. People travel long distances to visit their hometowns and spend time with their relatives. It\'s a special occasion to strengthen family bonds and catch up with loved ones.
  • Go travelling: Many people take advantage of the long holiday to go on trips and explore different parts of the country. Popular tourist destinations become crowded during this time as people seek new experiences and create memories.
  • Play computer games: In recent years, playing computer games has become a popular activity during the Spring Festival, especially among the younger generation. Online gaming competitions and live streaming events attract millions of participants and viewers.


How can we translate \"你在忙什么?\" to English? Here are a few possibilities:

  • What are you doing? This is a simple and direct translation that captures the essence of the question.
  • What are you busy with? This conveys the idea of being occupied or engaged in some activity.
  • What are you bustling about? This phrase adds a touch of liveliness and suggests that the person is busy with multiple tasks or errands.


During the Spring Festival, people are immersed in a flurry of activities and responsibilities. It is a time of excitement, preparation, and celebration. From cleaning their houses and decorating them with red lanterns and couplets to shopping for new clothes and gifts, individuals are caught up in the festive spirit. Additionally, preparing traditional dishes, visiting relatives, and attending cultural events further contribute to the busyness of the season. The energy and enthusiasm during this period are palpable as everyone partakes in the joyous atmosphere.


On a typical day during the Spring Festival, there are several activities that one might engage in:

Spring Festival is special. My uncle and my aunt came back from Shanghai, and my family was very happy to have them home. We all gathered at my grandparents\' house for a big reunion dinner. The table was filled with a variety of mouth-watering dishes, and we shared laughter and stories. After dinner, we lit fireworks and firecrackers to ward off evil spirits and bring good luck. The night sky was ablaze with colorful explosions, and the air was filled with the sound of excitement.

The next day, we woke up early to pay respects to our ancestors and perform traditional rituals. We visited the local temple to pray for a prosperous year ahead and make offerings. In the afternoon, we exchanged red envelopes and received blessings from our elders. The rest of the day was spent catching up with relatives, playing games, and enjoying delicious food.

Overall, the Spring Festival is a time of joy, togetherness, and cherished traditions.


When asking someone what they are busy with, there are a few ways to express it in English:

  • What\'s up? This phrase is commonly used as a casual way to ask someone what they are currently occupied with. It can be used in both formal and informal situations.
  • What\'s new? Similar to \"What\'s up?\", this question implies that the person might be involved in something interesting or exciting.

Both of these phrases are commonly used in English-speaking countries and can be used interchangeably to ask about someone\'s activities or engagements. So, the next time you want to inquire about someone\'s busyness in English, feel free to use these expressions!


If you want to ask someone what they usually do during the Spring Festival in English, you can say:

What do you usually do during the Spring Festival? This question allows the other person to share their typical activities and traditions during this festive season.


The word \"忙\" can be translated into English in various ways:

  1. Busy: This is the most straightforward and commonly used translation for \"忙\". It describes a state of being occupied or engaged in various tasks or activities.
  2. Hurry: This word implies a sense of urgency or rushing. It can be used to express the need to complete tasks quickly or be punctual.
  3. Hasten: Similar to \"hurry\", \"hasten\" conveys the idea of doing something promptly or with speed.

For example, you could say \"I am busy with work\" or \"I need to hurry to catch my flight\". These translations capture the essence of \"忙\" in English.


Today is the Spring Festival, and I spent the day embracing the festive spirit and enjoying various activities. In the morning, my family and I gathered around the dining table to have a sumptuous breakfast filled with traditional delicacies. We exchanged red envelopes and wished each other a prosperous year ahead.

After breakfast, we visited the local temple to pay our respects and express gratitude. The temple was adorned with vibrant decorations, and the air was filled with the scent of burning incense. I prayed for good health, success, and happiness.

In the afternoon, we joined a lion dance performance in our community. The vibrant colors, rhythmic drumming, and energetic movements brought joy and excitement to everyone gathered. It was a mesmerizing spectacle that showcased the rich cultural heritage and traditions of the Spring Festival.

As the day drew to a close, we gathered around the dinner table once again to feast on a lavish spread of traditional dishes. The aroma filled the room, and laughter and conversation echoed through the house. We shared stories, memories, and laughter, cherishing the precious moments spent with loved ones.

Overall, the Spring Festival was a time of celebration, tradition, and togetherness. It brought me closer to my family and allowed me to experience the rich cultural heritage of my country.


If you want to ask someone what they have been busy with recently, you can say:

What have you been busy with these days? This question implies that the person has been occupied with various activities or tasks in the recent past.

You can use either the present perfect tense (\"have been busy\") or the simple past tense (\"were busy\") depending on the context. The present perfect tense suggests an ongoing busyness, while the simple past tense refers to a specific period of time during which the person was busy.

So, the next time you want to inquire about someone\'s recent busyness in English, feel free to use this expression, keeping in mind the appropriate tense based on the situation.