> 文章列表 > 春节都是怎么度过的英语





Last year’s Spring Festival is special. My uncle and my aunt came to visit us, and we had a big family reunion. We gathered around the table, enjoying a delicious feast that my mom cooked. We exchanged gifts and red envelopes, which symbolize good luck and prosperity. In the evening, we set off fireworks and watched the colorful display lighting up the sky. It was a joyful and memorable celebration.


How did you get along with the Spring Festival?

This year, my family and I celebrated the Spring Festival in a more traditional way. We cleaned the house thoroughly to get rid of any bad luck from the past year. We decorated our home with red couplets and paper-cuttings, which are believed to bring happiness and good fortune. On New Year\'s Eve, we cooked a feast together and made dumplings, a symbol of wealth and luck. We stayed up late, watching the CCTV Spring Festival Gala and sending blessings to our friends and relatives. It was a heartwarming and enjoyable celebration.


Spring Festival is the most important festival in China. It\'s to celebrate the lunar calendar\'s new year. In our family, we have a series of customs and traditions we follow during this special time. First, we thoroughly clean the house to sweep away any bad luck and make room for good luck to come. Then, we put up red couplets and paper-cuttings on the doors and windows to welcome good fortune. On New Year\'s Eve, we have a big family reunion dinner with all our relatives. We exchange gifts and give out red envelopes filled with money, which symbolizes good wishes and blessings. During the holiday, we also visit temples to pray for a prosperous year ahead. The Spring Festival is a time for celebration, family, and cultural traditions.

求一篇英语作文写你是怎么过年的题目是How to spend New Year in m...

New Year is coming. I feel excited because that means a long vacation for me. During this holiday, I have a lot of things planned. Firstly, I will spend time with my family. We will have a big family dinner on New Year\'s Eve and share our wishes and blessings for the upcoming year. Secondly, I plan to visit my relatives and exchange gifts and red envelopes with them. It\'s a way to show respect and love to our elders. Besides that, I will also go out with my friends and enjoy the festive atmosphere. We might go to temples or watch the traditional lion dance. Lastly, I will take some time to relax and recharge for the new year ahead. Overall, I believe that a balance of family, tradition, and personal enjoyment is the best way to spend New Year.


If you ask me how we celebrate the Spring Festival, I would say that it\'s a time of joy, family, and tradition. We clean our homes to sweep away any bad luck, prepare delicious food, and gather together for a big feast. We exchange gifts and red envelopes, and set off fireworks to welcome the new year. It\'s a time of happiness and celebration.


We often make dumplings at the midnight of Spring Festival\'s Eve. My sisters and brothers usually help my mom prepare the fillings, while my dad rolls and shapes the dumpling wrappers. We all gather around the kitchen table, chatting and laughing as we make the dumplings together. It\'s a fun and lively activity that brings us closer as a family. After making the dumplings, we cook them and enjoy the delicious feast. It\'s a tradition that we look forward to every year.


Thanks to this spring festival, it brings our family together. We enjoy each other\'s company and share delicious food. We also visit our relatives and friends, giving them greetings and blessings for the new year. The festive atmosphere fills the air, and the streets are decorated with vibrant red lanterns. It\'s a time of joy and happiness for everyone. The Spring Festival is truly a special and meaningful holiday.


Spring Festival is the most important festival in China. It\'s a time when families come together to celebrate the lunar calendar\'s new year. During this holiday, we have a variety of traditions and customs. We clean our houses, decorate them with red decorations, and cook special dishes. We also visit temples to pray for a prosperous year ahead. The streets are filled with festive decorations and lively performances. It\'s a time of joy, celebration, and unity for the whole country.

英语作文怎样过春节你怎样过春节?给定了几个词:tomorrow; Saturday; after listen to a story

The Spring Festival is Chinese\'s traditional festival, and every year we must celebrate. Tomorrow is the New Year\'s Eve, and it\'s a Saturday, so my family and I have a whole day to prepare for the celebration. After dinner, we will gather around and listen to a story about the origin of the Spring Festival. It\'s a way to pass down the cultural heritage and educate the younger generation. Then, we will set off fireworks to welcome the new year. The sound of firecrackers and the colorful display in the sky create a festive and joyous atmosphere. We will stay up late, enjoying each other\'s company, and looking forward to the new year with hope and excitement.


Spring festival is on the first day of the first lunar month. Chinese people most like the Spring Festival. During Spring Festival, my family and I decorate our house with red lanterns and couplets. We cook delicious food and set off fireworks. We also visit our relatives and exchange gifts. It\'s a time of happiness and celebration.