> 春节2024 > 去年过年买什么年货英语




The English translation for \"买年货\" is \"buying traditional goods for the Chinese New Year.\"


The Chinese New Year is fast approaching and my parents and I are planning to go shopping for traditional goods. We want to buy special items that are commonly associated with this festive season, such as food, decorations, and gifts. In English, we would say, \"My family and I are going to purchase traditional goods for the Chinese New Year.\"


When it comes to shopping for traditional goods for the Chinese New Year, there are several items that are commonly included in the shopping list. Here is an example of a shopping list in English:

  • Meat: Meat is an essential part of the Chinese New Year celebration. Options can include pork, beef, lamb, chicken, duck, fish, shrimp, and crab.
  • Red envelopes: These are small red envelopes filled with money, which are given as gifts to children and unmarried individuals.
  • Fruits: Fruits like oranges and tangerines are popular symbols of good luck and prosperity.
  • Traditional snacks: Snacks like dried fruits, nuts, and candies are often enjoyed during the festivities.
  • Fireworks and firecrackers: These are used to create a festive atmosphere during the New Year celebrations.
  • Decorations: Traditional decorations like lanterns, couplets, and paper-cuttings are commonly used to adorn homes and public spaces.

These are just a few examples of the items that can be included in an English shopping list for traditional Chinese New Year goods.


In English, the phrase \"Spring Festival shopping list\" can be used to describe a list of items that are commonly purchased in preparation for the Chinese New Year festivities. This list typically includes traditional goods such as food, decorations, gifts, and other items that are significant to the celebrations.


La primavera è la mia festa preferita, perché ci siamo riuniti insieme la famiglia. Capodanno cinese p.


It\'s straightforward! The Spring Festival is the most important festival in China. Before the Spring Festival, every Chinese family cleans and prepares their homes, as well as buys traditional goods. Some families also apply paste to the walls to stick Spring Festival couplets and pray for good luck. On New Year\'s Eve, they gather together to enjoy a reunion dinner.


In English, there are several useful phrases related to customs and traditions that can enhance your writing and language skills. Here are a few examples:

  • Folk music: This refers to music that is passed down through generations and is representative of a particular culture or community.
  • Folk hero: A folk hero is a legendary figure who is admired and celebrated within a specific culture or community.
  • Folk dancer: A folk dancer is someone who performs traditional dances that are specific to a particular culture or region.
  • Folk medicine: This refers to traditional methods of healing and healthcare that have been passed down through generations within a specific culture.
  • Folk toy: A folk toy is a traditional toy that is representative of a specific culture or region.

These phrases can add depth and richness to your English writing when discussing customs and traditions.


Here are some English words related to the Chinese New Year:

  • The Spring Festival: This is the Chinese name for the Chinese New Year.
  • Lunar calendar: This refers to the traditional calendar system based on the moon\'s phases, which is used to determine the date of the Chinese New Year.
  • Lunar January: This refers to the first month of the lunar calendar, which is when the Chinese New Year usually takes place.
  • New Year\'s Eve: This is the evening before the Chinese New Year, which is traditionally celebrated with a family reunion dinner.

These words will help you better understand and describe the customs and traditions associated with the Chinese New Year.


To describe \"集市年货\" in English, we can use the phrase \"market Spring Festival holiday purchases.\" It refers to the act of shopping for traditional goods specifically for the Spring Festival season, often done at local markets or bazaars.


The English translation for this sentence would be: \"As the Spring Festival approaches, people start purchasing traditional goods in preparation for the celebrations. On New Year\'s Eve, the whole family gathers together to enjoy a festive meal.\"